Our fourth EukRef workshop took place at the Institute of Marine Sciences in Barcelona, Spain from July 3 to July 7 2023.
The workshop was made possible thanks to the generous contribution of the Moore Foundation.
Organizers Javier del Campo, Barcelona Daniel Vaulot, CNRS Roscoff Chris Lane, University of Rhode Island Participants Tomas Panek, Charles University in Prague Sebastian Metz, University of York Lilith South, UBC Vancouver Eric Salomaki, Brown University Tristan Henderson, Michigan State Nina Pohl, Umea University Anthony Bonacolta, University of Miami Liz Cooney, UBC Vancouver Cédric Berney, Barcelona Ramon Massana, Barcelona Jesus Lozano, Barcelona Pierre Ramond, Barcelona Joana Krause, Barcelona Mattia Giacomelli, Barcelona Sofiya Bondarenko, Barcelona Schedule Group annotated Archaeplastida Picozoa Chloropicophyceae Picocystophyceae Trebouxiophyceae Chlorodendrophyceae Ceramiales Batrachospermales Metazoa Cnidaria Ctenophora Ctenophora Porifera Chelicerata Alveolata Suessiales Dinophyceae Apicomplexa Chrompodellids Alveolata_X Amoebozoa Archamoebea Eumycetozoa Variosea Tubulinea Centramoebia Flabellinia Stygamoebida Fungi
A short introduction to EukRef
Guidelines for constructing your database
Amoebozoa Curator e-mail Affiliation Group to curate Matt Brown mbrown[a]biology.msstate.edu Mississippi State University Coordinator Anna Maria Fiore-Donno afiore-donno6[a]infomaniak.ch University of Cologne Myxogastria Thierry Heger thierry.heger[a]changins.ch CHANGINS Arcellinida Alexander Kudryavtsev alexander.kudryavtsev[a]spbu.ru Saint Petersburg University Himatismenida Tomas Panek mistrpanek[a]seznam.cz Charles University in Prague Archamoebae Alexander Tice at1422[a]msstate.edu Mississippi State University Variosea (Evosa) Tomas Tyml tomastyml[a]gmail.
Description of the EukRef pipeline
Steps to perform short read annotation
Guidelines to perform the taxonomic annotation
Our second workshop took place at the Institute of Marine Sciences in Barcelona, Spain from November 28 to December 2 2016. This effort brought together taxonomists with expertise in individual lineages that span the eukaryotic tree of life to curate reference 18S rDNA sequences of these lineages by incorporating knowledge of phylogenetic, morphological, and/or environmental contextual data. This second edition was particularly (but not exclusively) focused on Amoebozoa and Rhizaria.
Our third workshop took place at the Station Biologique Roscoff in Roscoff, France from November 5 to 9 2018. This effort brought together taxonomists with expertise in individual lineages that span the eukaryotic tree of life to curate reference 18S rDNA sequences of these lineages by incorporating knowledge of phylogenetic, morphological, and/or environmental contextual data. This third edition was particularly (but not exclusively) focused on Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, and Green Algae.
Our first workshop that will take place in Vancouver, Canada from July 19 to 25. This effort brings together taxonomists with expertise in individual lineages that span the eukaryotic tree of life to curate reference 18S rDNA sequences of these lineages by incorporating knowledge of phylogenetic, morphological, and/or environmental contextual data. During the workshop, the working group will integrate the curation efforts on individual eukaryotic groups into a biological data warehouse consisting of curated sequences, flexible taxonomy, and phylogenetic trees and their underlying sequence alignments.